Booking Info:
Online bookings cannot be made for the same day. Please call the pub directly on 01273 620855 if you would like to request a same day booking.
We ask that you notify us of a cancellation or any changes to the number of guests at least 24hrs prior to your booking. Please notify us via the cancellation link in your booking confirmation email or alternatively, call the pub directly to speak to one of our team. We require at least 48hrs notice of cancellation in order to return an area deposit.
If you are unable to make your booking, or, if you are going to be considerably late for your booking, you must call us on 01273 620855. We reserve the right to release your table if you are more than 20 minutes late for your booking without informing a member of the pub team over the phone.
Assistance with Bookings:
If you need to make changes to your booking, or require additional assistance, please call us on 01273 620855 to speak with a member of our pub team. Our mail & social inboxes are monitored during office hours, Monday to Friday so please call us for assistance. Thank you.

We are a dog friendly pub, we have
treats & water bowls available.
Children are welcome up until 8pm
Thank you - The Lewes Road Inn
General Enquiries
01273 620855
For bookings over 10 people please contact our dedicated events team events@goodtimes.pub
Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 12pm - 11pm
Friday & Saturday: 12pm - 12am
Sunday: 12pm - 11pm
Food Service Hours
Monday - Saturday: 12pm - 9pm
Sunday: 12pm - 8pm
How to find us